
We currently are enrolling for all ages. We would love to hear from you. Our enrolment process is simple and we can email you all necessary paperwork as well as organise a tour/visits.
You will need:
Official identification verification document, such as birth certificate or passport
Immunisation certificates
Medical information such as allergies and any existing medical conditions
Any legal documents such as access or custody agreements
For more information call
(03) 574 2096
Marau mātauranga | CURRICLUM
“He taonga te mokopuna, kia whāngaia, kia tipu, kia rea.
A child is a treasure, to be nurtured, to grow, to flourish.”
Te Whāriki: He whāriki mātauranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa is our Early childhood education curriculum document, we use this to implement a high quality education programme that has a strong foundation in the vision that children are competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society.
Tamariki are learning how to keep themselves healthy and care for themselves and others.
Tamariki become increasingly capable of making connections between people, places and things in their world.
Tamariki understand our kaupapa and how things work here at Kōhungahunga o Te Hoiere, and are kaitiaki for our environment and their fellow Kōhungahunga o Te Hoiere whānau.
Each tamaiti knows they have a special place here at Kōhungahunga o Te Hoiere where they can learn and grow.
Tamariki are supported and encouraged to develop strategies to play with and alongside others.
Tamariki enjoy and become increasingly capable of using print, symbols, concepts and mathematical symbols and concepts.
Tamariki are becoming increasingly capable of expressing themselves through kōrero-a-tinana and kōrero-a-waha.
Tamariki will become increasingly capable of playing, imagining, inventing and experimenting.
Tamariki will become increasingly capable of moving confidently and challenging themselves physically.
Tamariki are able to use a range of strategies including problem solving for exploring and thinking about the world around them.

Latest ERO ReportREAD FULL REPORT HERE At the time of the review, ERO found the service was taking reasonable steps to meet regulatory standards. Background Pelorus Community Preschool Kōhungahunga o Te Hoiere is a community-based early childhood service governed by a parent committee. Almost a third of enrolled children are Māori, and a small number have Pacific heritages. The service has addressed the aspects of non-compliance identified in the March 2021 ERO report. Summary of Review Findings The service curriculum provides a language-rich environment that supports children’s learning. It acknowledges and reflects the unique place of Māori as tangata whenua. The curriculum supports the right of each child to be confident in their own culture, and encourages children to understand and respect each other’s cultures. Adults providing education and care engage in meaningful, positive interactions to enhance children’s learning and nurture reciprocal relationships. A philosophy expresses the service’s beliefs, values, and attitudes about the provision of early childhood education and care. The design and layout of the premises support the provision of different types of indoor and outdoor experiences appropriate to the number, ages, and abilities of children attending. Key Next Steps Next steps include: more consistently showing children’s developing capabilities and progression of learning in relation to the learning outcomes from Te Whāriki, the early childhood curriculum. Next ERO Review The next ERO review is likely to be an Akarangi | Quality Evaluation. Patricia Davey Director of Early Childhood Education (ECE) 27 September 2023
FeesFees Attendance fee is $8.00 per hour Payment for fees will be one week in advance by direct credit. All booked hours will be charged for. Fees will increase if parents do not contribute to the fundraising and maintenance of the Preschool. 20 Hours ECE PCP Offers 20 Hours ECE for three, four and five year olds. In accordance with Ministry of Education Policy, the first twenty hours of attendance (up to a maximum of six hours per day) for a child that is three, four or five years of age will incur no fees. (A copy of the child’s birth certificate is required to be sighted at the time of enrolment.) Additional hours attended in excess of twenty hours per week or the maximum six hours per day, will be charged at the rate of $8.00 (including GST) per hour. To be eligible for 20 Hours ECE an Attestation Form must be completed. Outstanding Fees Pelorus Community Preschool encourages parent's with outstanding fees to approach the Office Manager to arrange a suitable payment plan to repay arrears. A child's place may not be guaranteed to be held when fees are outstanding. Fees that remain outstanding for longer than 4 weeks will be handed over to a debt collection service and all costs involved will be passed on to the payer in default.
Term Dates + Hours of OperationSessions The preschool hours are: children aged 2 years +; Monday to Friday 8.30am—3.30pm. children aged under 2 years; Monday to Fridy 8.30-3.30pm Morning sessions run from 8.30am-12.30pm. Parents must provide a healthy choice morning tea for their child. Lunch is at 12noon, also provided by the parents. Afternoon sessions run from 12.30-3.30pm and includes afternoon tea, also provided by the parents. Preschool Holidays The Preschool will be closed on Public Holidays, for one week during the July school holidays and for two weeks over the Christmas holiday period. There will no charge on the days that the preschool is closed. Dates of this close down period will be notified to parents in November each year.
Parent Involvement + ExpectationsAs a Parent/Guardian you automatically become a member of the society. There is an expectation that members will contribute to the running and maintenance of the Preschool by volunteering their time as this enables us to keep fees low. The areas you will help will be fundraising, parent help roster, repairs/maintenance and any other task that requires support.
What To Bring To Preschool(Please ensure everything is clearly named) Lunch box (morning/afternoon tea and lunch – healthy choices ie fruit, sandwiches, vege sticks with hummus/salsa, cooked cold veges, boiled eggs, crackers, rice/pasta dishes, cheese, yoghurt, cold meats, plain popcorn) Drink bottle of water Enough nappies for duration of session (if required) Full change of clothes (including underwear) Sunhat/Warm hat Expressed Breast Milk or Formula (if required) Bag to put everything in Medication (if required) Sleeping bag/blanket if your child is likely to need a rest during the session
PoliciesComing Soon